Metrotech Commons is a plaza in the heart of downtown Brooklyn that had fallen into disrepair and needed renovation. The grove of Honey Locust trees needed replacing, and a new planting scheme in the planter beds was asked for by the client. The project went through several iterations, but in the end was largely centered around the design and installation of custom Streetlife benches, custom lighting elements and a revised planting plan.

The project involved CD detailing and coordination. Lighting elements had to be installed on top of existing foundations, and the benches had to accommodate the light pole as in passed through them. The level of precision and detail had to be very high, especially given the complex subgrade at Jay St. Metro Tech subway station.

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Year: 2022

Service: Landscape architecture, renovation, urban public space

Firm: James Corner Field Operations

Image Credit: James Corner Field Operations, Streetlife, Brookfield Properties